Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Tongue in the Shoe or the Tongue in the Mouth?

by LeNora Bowles

I realize it is not what a person says that truly matters, but the action that follows.  Some individuals spend a vast amount of time using excuses to sugarcoat why certain events appear to spiral out of control in their lives.

Although events unfold, many of which leave little to be desired, using excuses as the proverbial crutch to connect the dots to why life is so unfair begins to sound as if you are weak or co-dependent to misery loving company.  Perhaps those experiences are lessons to be learned, rather than a reason used to remain clutched to a past, held in suspension, by fear and denial of one's ability to move forward.

A person of worth has no reason to prove himself  by 'always' explaining his actions! The end result of the action is indicative of the path he takes while arriving at the crossroads of decision-making. His actions are also reflective of the seeds he has sown, the bridges he has crossed, and the roadblocks faced in the midst of adversity. Far too often one uses excuses, to convince others of self-worth.

In the meantime, grass grows underneath the feet as a result of trying to prove a point, which is often pointless. . .For all its worth. . .If one were to remove the excuse, what and who are you left with—besides the tongue in your mouth? ~ LeNora


LeNora said...

At the end of the day, man (no gender preference) and the creator is all that matters, in terms of evaluating your path. Otherwise, a lifetime may be spent on trying to prove yourself to others, when it really doesn't matter!

LeNora said...

BTW, this passage is taken out of my book, "The Power of Self," and I thought I would share it with you! Once the book is released, I will post the link on my wall. . . "The Lady Has Spoken" will release prior to "The Power of Self." Just a hint on the cover of "The Lady Has Spoken". . . Two legs crossed adorning the cutest black and white shoes! That's all I am saying right now! : - )

Glenn SR said...

LeNora. Your note reminds me of the "power of ones choice" in the decisions we make in our everyday lives. I mean even from day to day, hour to hour even moment to moment...Everyone makes mistakes, sometimes terrible mistakes(I certainly have) but one can choose to wallow in the results of of those mistakes( or negative situations,like lost of a job, bad health, etc.) by turning to the bottle, drugs, staying in abusive relationships, etc...OR one can focus on the lessons they learned from their mistakes and apply them towards their future or even share the lessons with others so they may not make the same mistakes...the bottom line is there are so many positive applications one can take from the lessons learned and go to forward. OR one can choose to do as you stated " Some individuals spend a vast amount of time using excuses to sugarcoat why certain events appear to spiral out of control in their lives. " Trusting in God by allowing him, so to speak, work along with you will help you through the adversities of life .....GREAT NOTE LENORA! Can't wait to read your book.

LeNora said...

@Glenn, you have touched on very valid points toward moving on and learning from the lesson. Most on the planet, if honest with ourselves have faced some type of discomfort, made mistakes, faced difficult situations, cried a trial of tear...s, etc. Granted this concept called 'life' is difficult at times however, remaining in a dismal state and giving in to self-pity or excuses to why life has dealt such a harsh hand, is certainly not the thoughts process one should remain grounded in. Those who truly know God, thereby connecting with the 'god within' choose to allow the creator to occupy mind, body, and spirit via the courage to move mountains! Free- will and choice are intricate to the lesson as well as a sober mind. As always, I enjoyed reading your insightful post! Awareness and self-knowledge are key to empowerment and personal growth.

Glenn SR said...

‎LeNora-AMEN! "Those who truly know God, thereby connecting with the 'god within' choose to allow the creator to occupy mind, body, and spirit via the courage to move mountains!"

LeNora. You been going to church lately?

"Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of The HOLLY SPIRIT THAT LIVES IN YOU, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? " 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 AMP

"spirit via the courage to move mountains!"
"And Jesus, replying, said to them, Have faith in God [constantly]."

"Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him"...Mark 11:22-23 AMP

Taken from God's owners manual. :-)

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