Friday, April 30, 2010

The Power Of Choice

    Have you ever thought about how powerful the choices you make in your everyday life are?  Really, I mean even from day to day, hour to hour even moment to moment...

For example in the when the alarm clock goes off in the AM. We make a choice to get right on up! OR hit the snooze alarm becoming  late for work. Or rather or not we go into work that day.

We make the choices on what we are to wear each day, what to eat, drink, even what we put into our minds and think.

We make choices as to what types of people we involve in our lives(toxic or non toxic), who to date, who to marry. 

Choices of what college we go to OR if we are going go to college.  

We all make thousands of choices each day.  I even made several choices on what to write this morning.
Yet all choices that we make have consequences & impact our lives, good or bad. 

Think about it. Say your Doctor tells you to loose some weight, lay off the salt, cut down on eating fatty foods and red meat...

But that same very day it's your choice to throw his advice out the window and head straight to your favorite steak house and order the largest "Kansas City Strip" in the house, medium rare...

Then on your next visit to the Doctor you're surprised that he or she puts you on blood pressure & cholesterol pills. That's a result of the choices you made.

It's your choice to go to college, work hard & graduate with honors and start the promising career of your dreams...

But on the other hand, your room mates make the choice is to get drunk and party every night, resulting in them flunking out and now they are always hitting you up for money.

By the way, you have the "power of choice" upon what type of friends you make.

You have the power of choice on how to react to negative situations. You're on your way to the office & some nut cuts you off...

You slam on the brakes to prevent from hitting this idiot and causing an accident in the middle of rush hour traffic...

And your reaction?  You realize "power" you have, it's your choice how you react...

This time instead of your typical reaction, hitting the roof, flip this guy the 'bird" run up your blood pressure, and ruining your day before you even get to work...  

It's your choice  to give the driver a smile and a wave and go about your merry way making it a great day!
"YOU" have the choice upon how you handle the adversities of life... 

Say you get laid off from that promising career in today's economy and it's been over six months now, your unemployment runs out with no job in sight...

It's your choice to take a part time job flipping burgers, or choose not to eat. Now instead of throwing in the towel and jumping off the San Francisco Bay bridge...

Instead it's your choice to create your own job by starting your own business and with the attitude and vigor you had in college, you hang in there through the ups and downs ultimately making your business a success...   

Now that's the power of choice to never give up!

*It's your choice rather or not to have premarital or unprotected sex and avoid an unwanted pregnancy or worst get HIV.

*It's Your Choice not to smoke or perhaps quit smoking and dramatically reduce the chance of you getting lung cancer  other respiratory diseases.

*It's your choice not to stay in a toxic and abusive relationship, you realize that Life Is Too Short and move forward with your life.

So your doctor gives you terrible news regarding your health, it's cancer and the stage you're at, the  chances of survival are 50-50(I've been in similar shoes) or worse... 

You even have a choice here... 

It's your choice to rather or not to give up on the joys of life. You face this life threatening challenge head on...

Even though realizing that you're only human and you will have many emotional ups and downs...

It's your choice to appreciate what's really important in your life and keep an open mind, live life to it's fullest, one day at a time, one hour at a time, even one moment at a time. You love hard and pray hard and put your trust in God.

Even if you made a number of sinfully bad choices during your life resulting in numerous regrets, sorrows and defeats. You still do have choices.

#1 It's your choice to rather or not trust in Jesus Christ for your spiritual healing and realize that you're not alone

#2 It's your choice to trust in God for your spiritual, mental, financial healing. And know he can turn your life around for your good by making you a new person!!!   OR not trust in God and miss out on your healing.

#3 It's your choice rather or not to let Jesus into your life because God loves you so much that he gave his only Son. That whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life.  OR not let Jesus into your life and reject His precious gift.

Jesus saved a woman caught in adultery, from being stoned to death. He told her, go and sin no more totally turning her life around for her Good. 
Jesus turned my life around & I am still a work in progress. He has turn around the lives of  adulterers, liars, thieves, prostitutes, crack addicts, drunks and murderers by the millions into New Creatures. He can do the same for you it's Your Choice to let Him  into your life & believe in HIM because... 

This Life is Certainly Too Short It's Your Choice to rather or not grasp after His Free & Gift! 

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose ye this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15)

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