Sunday, March 27, 2011

Some Ask: Why does God allow children to starve?

The answer: God doesn't let the children starve, we do!

God has given man free will with abundant resources...

So why all the suffering, death and destruction we see all over the world?

There was war in heaven, and we know about wars...Right mankind?

God was accused of forcing his will upon his creation and among other things. His accuser stated that God's laws were unjust and overbearing. This same accuser, name Lucifer, latter changed to Satan, actually was envious of God and wanted to be like the most high.

He tried to overthrow God's kingdom by deceiving a third of God's Kingdom with Satan's false allegations. This enemy of God had opportunities to come back into the fold as he was defeated...God could had immediately destroyed this traitor in a blink of an eye for his disobedience.

Zap!!! What message would Satan's immediate destruction had said to the rest of the Universe? Had He done so the rest of creation would had been frighten to serve God out of fear instead of love.

Man was created in the image of God & not designed to be robots, but designed to have free will to obey His laws for our good OR disobey his laws for our bad.

Just has you have the laws of nature, physics and science, which are all the laws of God's creation, you have the laws of obedience to God's moral laws.

For example, just to as one violates the laws of physics by making the "choice" to jump off The Empire state building the results leads to death. Right?

One more example. Say you  you ignored the research & violated the laws of health and science by you choosing to smoke cigarettes, therefore you end up with lung cancer and die. Who is at fault for your death?  God's word clearly states that our bodies are the temple of His Holy Spirit and that we are to take care of it.

Think about it metaphorically. When man makes the "choice" to violate the laws of physics by jumping off the "Empire State Building" Who's the blame for that individual's death? Is it God's fault or that man chosen to jump off that building?

Hence throughout the ages man has collectively chosen to live outside of the laws of God and in doing so results to all this is starvation, death and destruction we see today.

There are two very important Commandments (laws of God), that if collectively adhered to by man we would not see the problems that the universe has witnessed throughout the ages:

Jesus said, "'Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.' This is the most important, the first on any list.

But there is a second to set alongside it: 'Love others as well as you love yourself.'

These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them."   Matthew 22:37-40 (The Message)

Think About It...

Meditate Upon These Two Great Commandments...

Ask yourself, what would your life be like if you lived by God's Laws?

Remember this: " For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength".    Philippians 4:13 (New Living Translation)

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