1. The vapor of water produced by boiling, especially it its economic relations, is called steam.
2. Something unsubstantial, fleeting, or transitory.
I don't know about you but for myself time has moved mercilessly fast, killing everything in it's pathway. From parents, cousins, aunt's & uncles, even our beloved pets! I often recall the memories of individuals who has touched my life in some sort of way. Like my kindergarten teacher at Fairfax Elementary School, Mrs Williams. She had to have been in her late 50's back then and that was a little over 40yrs ago. I recall neighbors in the old neighborhood in which I grew up. It seems like time has snuffed out two entire blocks! Also my parents, friends, beloved relatives, faithful & true saints in the church that are no longer here, former co-workers as well as individuals whom I considered taken out way before there time.
It goes to show we must "Live life Too it's fullest" and not take for granted those who are important in our lives, those who has touched our lives in some small or large way. We must savor the moments in time we have with them.
Actually?... It's not time that is our real enemy, but it's the sin curse of "Death" that is & our worse enemy! However...I am so thankful that God gave his only Son, Jesus Christ, that who ever believe in him will not perish to the confines of time and "Death" But have ever lasting life! That's the hope I cling to in this yet short vapor of life we currently have. I feel very sorry for those who do not grasp this hope...
Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen tomorrow. What is the nature of your life? You are [really] but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while and then disappears [into thin air]. James 4:14
The Good news is, as we encourage one another and spread the "Good News" of the Gospel to those we love and care about even strangers, they too can cling to this hope, as we ourselves in faith, God's Great Gift, that one day soon we will be reunited with, and see "again" those whom we love & cherish very soon!!!
And Death will no longer plague us no more!!! And "Time" will for ever relinquish it's curse. Isn't that "Great News"???
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life... John 3:16