Sunday, February 15, 2004 11:16:55 PM CST
Feeling Worried
Is This The Moment of My Death?
All fun aside, the situation I found myself in was extremely serious. I suddenly blurted out to Unneeda that I needed to goto the hospital immediately and begged Kendra(my daughter) for help as I stumbled down the stairs toward the living room, as if help was waiting for me there. For a moment I panicked. But I realized that panic was not going to do my pain stricken body or family any good. So I decided to lay down on the couch drenched in sweat and relax as Unneeda called the ambulance.
I suddenly found myself asking "Is this the Moment of My Death?" I thought about all of the wasted years not serving God, not answering to his multiple callings. The years of self indulgence, the wasted years of anger and feeling sorry for my self. The lack of relationship with those I love and those that love me. I thought of those who had passed on who I could had shared the good news of salvation with, but didn't. Oh the waste of time, the waste of opportunities, the petty life I had lived. I knew that I only deserved to go to hell.
A gentle Voice told me, I may dare speak to Him, but speak to Him now, for my time is very short. I prayed to God for sincere forgiveness. Forgiveness for not being faithful and for all my sins. I acknowledge to Him that I am in no way worthy of being brought into His Kingdom. But only by the Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. Yet at this late hour I put everything into God's hands and waited upon Him, my fate. At that very moment, even though my body was wrenched with pain and my breath very faint, what was once my troubled soul, was replaced with a Blissful Unexplainable Peace!
Life Is Certainly, Too Short...
But it does not have to:
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 (New King James Version)
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
7:53:38 PM CSTFeeling Happy
A Heart Attack Worth Having!
Sometimes bad things must happen in order for God to bless you with what things matters the most, family. Don't get me wrong, I don't go to bed every night praying to God to bless me with a Heart attack in the morning! What I mean is sometimes we pray for God's blessings and help, but we may not always realize or be prepared for how he would go about in answering our prayers.
Case in point, I have been praying for my kids salvation and well being all of their lives. And I have been blessed to realize the answer to that prayer long before the heart attack. One of the areas in which there was a tremendous void, was my relationship with my oldest then, 20yr old daughter Brishette. I did not want to leave this planet with her just being a mere acquaintance to her younger brother, sister & myself. And I have prayed for years that the Lord would somehow intervene and change the situation. And after hearing her voice on the phone while in the hospital and since my release, her sister Kendra is going to fly to LA and spend sometime with her oldest sister at her college & we all are growing closer together! God is truly remarkable! He in his mysterious ways, has defiantly made this "A Heart Attack Worth Having" Becaues "Life Is To Short
Meet my Daughter Brishette! Click here
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