Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Frustration With Those Who Celebrated Christmas

I ran across a young man and engaged with him  in conversation. He shared with me his frustration he had with those who celebrate Christmas In Honer of  The Birth, The One Who Made Creation...

"Why", I asked...

He told me "when the clock stricks 12am into December 26th the next day...

As he continue to  reply  "The Focus On "The Spirit of Christmas" and "Joy" and "Hope" and  "Peace"  and " " Love and Concern for One Another" all enjoyed at the Start of Thanksgiving Day"...

I interrupted to ask..

"So what happens at midnight following  "Christ's Day?"  

He replied. "At the "Stroke of 12am  Midnight, you see"  "The Spirit of "Christ's Day" along with all it's aspects...

...will simply be as if  DEAD and GONE! Without a trace and vanish, even 
"CSI Miami" is left famished...         

Never to be found until the next "Commercial"  year...

"My frustration is this...

"It's that the  "Spirit Of  Evil" returns along with it's "DOG EAT DOG" attributes  such as "HATE" "SELFISHNESS and GREED,  come back to continue into the whole New Year as a disease"...

"So what's your point?"  I asked him...

My point is to Those Who Celebrate "Christmas & It's "Spirit" they claim, are only acting out allusions of  "Joy" "Hope"  "Peace"  "Love and Care for Others" will not last past the 25th and die in pain...

They are fake and fictitious, nothing of their character really changed...

Simply put, it's back to the same old game...

You see, that young man who was frustrated with those who celebrate Christmas is me...

As you read this, ask yourself and see...

Where did the Spirit of Christmas  suddenly go  once the clock struck twelve?

So I beseech you, not to be fake and fictitious But to continue the true Spirit of Christmas and  Continue The Love For One Another. Make it a resolution to keep throughout the New Year!

Life Is Too Short

                                              Check out "Streams of Life"                       


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok I understand where you are coming from,
No one appears to be celebrating Christ;s birth however my experience of Christmas this year was not at all like the commercial hub bub of the past. I was basked in the glory of not only giving, sharing but also reflection on how good God has been to me and prayers that he will continue to bless others as he has me. I guess when you have lost as much we have you either learn one of two things to thank God oto be bitter.

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