Monday, July 20, 2009

A Week & One Day ago my Chest pain...

Saturday, January 24, 2004
9:29:02 PM CST

It was Friday morning approximately 4:50 am. Jan. 16th, 04. A burning sensation woke me up out of a sound sleep. Startled, I awakened my wife to inform her of my mild chest discomfort and decided to take my blood pressure medication and daily aspirin a little earlier than usual. Since the pain only lasted for a moment, I blamed it on the late night snack and went back to bed...Mistake #1.

Feeling a little dizzy, like coming down with something, I asked my boss if I may take off at lunch for the day to get a jump on what I thought was the flu. However as time would tell, boy I thought wrong!

My kids were off from school that day & were surprised to see their work-a-holic Dad at home so early. As I climbed the stairs to go to bed, a sudden intense burning pain hit me in my chest, radiating down my left arm. I yelled for my son downstairs playing his Play station in surround sound. The miracle was, he heard me. He ran up the stairs and called out to his older sister to bring up some aspirin. I immediately chewed the aspirin, as if it were candy and the pain immediately left my bewildered body. But rather than call my Dr. I went to sleep; maybe its just indigestion... Isn't denial a B^*+#(Bleep)? Life is too short.

Sunday, February 1, 2004
12:12:20 AM CST
Feeling Quiet
"Symptoms Of A Heart Attack"

According to WebMDHealth, symptoms of a heart attack include:

* Chest discomfort or pain that is crushing or squeezing or feels like a heavy weight on the chest.

* Sweeting * Shortness of breath * Nausea or vomiting

*Pain that speads from the chest to the back, neck, jaw, or to one or both shoulders or arms.

*Dizziness or light headiness *Fast or irregular heartbeat

Chest pain is a key warning sign of a heart attack. Evaluate this symptom carefully. If you have symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 or other emergency services immediately. Life is simply Too Short!

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